Why should you eat 3 dates a day?
Bonus tip: Soak your dates in warm water for an even gentler effect on the stomach.
Healthy and natural energy
Forget chemical energy drinks! Dates, combined with walnuts or almonds, offer an immediate boost while preserving your blood sugar balance. An ideal snack before a sports session or an important exam.
Protect and strengthen your bones
Thanks to their high potassium and magnesium content, dates support bone density. They are particularly beneficial for people with osteoporosis or who want to prevent it.
Fun fact: In some cultures, dates are eaten after injuries to speed up bone recovery.
A stimulated and protected brain
Researchers confirm that dates improve memory and reduce the risk of neurodegenerative diseases. Their secret? A unique blend of antioxidants and vitamins that acts as a shield for your neurons.
Detox and natural balance
Thanks to their polyphenols, dates help eliminate free radicals and purify your body. Add them to your diet for a gentle and effective detox, ideal after a period of stress or an unbalanced diet.