Three varieties of sprouting roots are more valuable than gold, and throwing them away is such a waste.
Sprouted Peanuts
For illustrative purposes only.
Sprouted peanuts have double the nutritious value and provide several health benefits.
When grown properly, sprouted peanuts are not only non-toxic but also extremely nutritious. During the sprouting phase, the vitamin C level doubles, and critical amino acids multiply sevenfold.
More importantly, sprouted peanuts contain resveratrol, a natural antioxidant with anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, anti-aging, and oxidative stress-fighting effects.
However, if peanuts stored at home are not well-preserved and begin to mildew or sprout, the situation changes. Such peanuts may contain aflatoxin, a carcinogenic toxin that can be dangerous even when roasted at high temperatures. The best option is to trash these peanuts.