Other tips for hunting insects
Insect repellent plants
Some scented plants have an insect-repellent effect. Simply plant them in pots and place them on windowsills and balconies to create a natural barrier.
Fragrance against mosquitoes
– Melissa – Lemon thyme – Narrow-leaf basil – Dalmatian pyrethrum
against flies
– Chervil chives – Basil root – Wax mint
against cockroaches
Bay leaves (place in places frequented by these animals).
Practical tips:
To prevent or limit insect invasion, eliminate all factors that favor their development.
– Put food in airtight glass or plastic containers; – Clean the kitchen after meals; – Remove food scraps and crumbs; – Keep the rubbish bin closed and empty it regularly; – Rinse dishes after each meal. – Do not leave dishwater standing; – Clean worktops; – Remove grease deposits from kitchen utensils; – Repair water leaks immediately; – Clean and ventilate air vents regularly; – Never block air vents.