A Natural Elixir for Your Heart: Lemon, Garlic, and Water
Advantages to Health of This All-Natural Solution Enhance Cardiovascular Health
Reduce LDL cholesterol and increase HDL cholesterol with the use of lemon and garlic. By maintaining healthy arterial function, this combination improves blood circulation to the heart.
Aids in the Function of Blood Vessels
By decreasing arterial plaque accumulation, this treatment has the potential to improve blood vessel flexibility generally and decrease the risk of atherosclerosis.
Enhances Defenses
Lemon and garlic, which are both packed with vitamins and antioxidants, are great for boosting your immune system and keeping diseases at bay.
Cleans the Internal Organs
Toxins may be more easily removed from the body and the liver when you consume garlic and lemon, two natural detoxifiers.
Method for Making the Lemon-Garlic Cure:
4 lemons, preferably organic
4-cloves of garlic
1 fluid liter