6 Symptoms of Ear Infection You Shouldn’t Ignore and Common Causes


Ear infections are generally associated with children, yet they still affect approximately 20% of adults. This is a common occurrence since adults, like children, are susceptible to bacteria and viruses. Recognizing the symptoms of ear infections early is critical for timely and successful treatment, as these infections can be extremely unpleasant.

1. Discomfort or pain

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Initially, you may feel a dull aching in your ear, especially after pulling the earlobe or squeezing the tragus. Over time, you may get a sense of fullness within your ear. In more serious cases, the discomfort may spread to your face, neck, or the side of your head.

2. Itchiness

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It may start as mild itching in the inner ear canal and eventually worsen if the infection is not addressed.

3. Swollen neck lymph nodes

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Neglecting to treat the infection may cause enlarged lymph nodes. This can cause a fever since full obstruction of your ear canal is more likely.

4. Redness on the inside and on the outside of the ear

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There may be minor redness in the inner ear canal. However, as the infection progresses, the redness may become more apparent, spreading beyond the interior and being visible on the outer skin of the ear as well.

5. Muffled hearing or ringing

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In mild situations, this symptom may not be present, but in more severe cases, your hearing may be compromised. You may notice a decreased capacity to hear or a persistent ringing deep within your ear.

6. Drainage of odorless fluid

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As with other symptoms, the little amount of odorless fluid may progressively rise as the infection progresses. It can grow from a small amount to become excessive over time.

How to prevent ear infections
continued on next page


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